Before making a purchase on bullionmap, please ensure you have sufficient funds in your bullionmap wallet. Learn how to top up your wallet by clicking here.
There are two ways to purchase any product. You can purchase any product by clicking on the
“cart” icon on the product box, or you can ‘’open the product in a new tab’’.
● Direct purchase without entering product details page
● Select the cart icon.
● A pop-up will appear with a quick view of the products.
● Select options(if available) & quantity.
● Click on Add to cart.
● A pop-up will appear with 2 buttons Back to shopping & proceed to checkout and select
proceed to checkout.
● Your cart page will be available with an order summary. If have any coupon then apply the
coupon and then click on the Proceed to Checkout
● If you are a registered user then name & email address will be available there in shipping
address. Insert address, address, city, postal code & phone number then below you can
see the delivery information, choose the delivery type from here, In that page you can
find the payment option, select wallet option, and click on Complete Order.
● After clicking on complete order, you'll see the order confirmed page and see the
order details